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Общее задание

Просмотров: 352
Тип работы: Контрольная
Название предмета: Английский язык
Тема/вариант: Общее задание
Объем работы: 3
Дата выполнения: 2019-04-28
Размер файла, тип файла: 21.19 Kb, DOCX
Прикрепленные файлы: Инструкция по выполнению контрольного задания (42 Kb)

1. Complete this table of words




to apply

        (1)   _______

        (2)   _______

to train


        (3)   _______

to retire


        (4)   _______

to resign

(5) _______


 2. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
job       an applicant       the resume       unemployment       qualified people
6) When you applied for the _______ , you told us you had 5 years experience.
7) _______ was filling in a job application.
8) You always list the jobs, the years you worked in the _______ .
9) _______ can be long-term or short-term.
10) It sometimes happens that the most _______ don’t always get the job.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word from the brackets.
11) When I _____ (filled in / was filling in) the application form, I saw my previous employer.
12) You _____ (should / must) carefully dressed for the interview.
13) The secretary _____ (read / was reading) the cover letter, when the telephone rang.
14) You _____ (shouldn’t / mustn’t) be late for the meeting.
15) In 2008 I _____ (worked / has worked) for an American company.
17) One _____ (has to / may) earn money to support his or her family.
18) 2 years ago he _____ (had done / did) a few training courses.
19) You _____ (have been working / were working) since the early morning. You should make a break.
20) Persuade the director that you are just the man he _____ (needs / needed).
21) As for your job I am sure we _____ (will come / come) to an agreement.
22) Charles _____ (has been looking / looked) for a job for 6 months.
23) He _____ (finished / had finished) writing the letter of recommendation by noon.
24) I _____ (am / being) available for an interview at your convenience.
25) He _____ (must / had to) leave his firm because it became bankrupt.
4. Tick the correct sentence that means the same as a given idea.
26) It’s required to present all the information about yourself in the chronological order.
A: You must present all the information about yourself in the chronological order.
B: You have to present all the information about yourself in the chronological order.
27) I am looking for a job.
A: You should write your CV (resume) in the right way.
B: You have to write CV (resume) in the right way.
28) My friend doesn’t earn good money.
A: He should look for another job.
B: He must look for another job.
29) The director invited a few candidates for the interview.
A: They must be competent enough to get this job.
B: They have to be competent enough to get this job.
30) This problem can be solved by the Personnel department.
A: You should go to the Personnel department.
B: You must go to the Personnel department.
5. Put the words in the correct order.
31) for the vacancy / is considering / the director / a few candidates.
32) your work experience / an employer / in this field / takes / into consideration/
33) to find / an employee / we want / to fill the vacancy / in our division
34) offers / the company / opportunities / training courses / to go on.
35) are important / of an applicant / characteristics / personal.
36) begins / a young specialist / after graduating / his career / from the university.
6. Read the text and tick the four pieces of advice of A-E below that are mentioned.
37) ___ A He decides himself whether a job or career is more important for him or her
38) ___ B If a person decides that he wants a career he must work hard.
39) ___ C A suitable background is not so important for a desired career.
40) ___ D Creativity, self-promotion are necessary for one’s success in business.
41) ___ E To become a successful businessman means to develop confidence in oneself and take control of one’s future.

      Having a job and having a career are two very different things. A job is something you do to make money. You may enjoy the job, work hard at it and do well but you are primarily doing it for the money satisfying your other interests outside of the work environment.
     Whether a young person decides to get a job or plan a career the job market today is quite different from his/her parents (and even probably for his/her older sibling) in the Soviet system, under raspredeleniye, young people were guaranteed a job upon graduation. Now, not only are there no guarantees after university, institute or school, but, available jobs are scarce and difficult to secure. The young person in today’s Russia faces a very competitive job market.
7. Put the paragraphs (a-d) of the letter in the right order.

                                                                                                              January 19,1999
Dear Mr. Sherman
a) We will keep your application on file in the event another position becomes available. Meanwhile, we thank you for applying, and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
b) It was a very difficult choice of candidates as there were many qualified applicants. Unfortunately, we can hire only one, and we chose someone more familiar with our line of products.
c) Very truly yours,
Samuel Addams,
The Pressure Sales Group.
d) Thank you for applying for the position of Vice President of Sales in our Sales and Marketing Division. We enjoyed the time you spent with us.
42) Paragraph 1 ___
43) Paragraph 2 ___
44) Paragraph 3 ___
45) Paragraph 4 ___
8. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.
46) В резюме вы должны указать: свое семейное положение, есть ли у вас дети, гражданство.
47) Если вы научный работник, не забудьте перечислить свои научные публикации.
48) Он отправил резюме вместе с сопроводительным письмом.
49) В мире существует большое количество безработных.
50) Директор был вынужден уволить сотрудника за его систематические опоздания на работу.


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